raw milk in pregnancy

The NHS has a stigma against pregnant women drinking raw milk in pregnancy. They also have a stigma against Vitamin A and now warn pregnant women that high vitamin A intake causes birth defects. They use the word ‘may’, which is not accurate and provide no actual research that high vitamin A causes birth defects. You can read about the stigma against Vitamin A on this excellent Weston A Price link.

As soon as I found out I was pregnant I started taking fermented cod liver oil and eating liver pate twice weekly. I struggled to find raw milk in the early days of my pregnancy, but around six months of pregnancy once again looked at the Real Milk website and found a local farm, Cliftons Farm, that delivered to Rochdale on Tuesdays. I was so buzzing! Their raw milk tastes like vanilla ice cream straight from the bottle, so rich and creamy, and we order on average ten to twelve pints per week, which is delivered ice cold every Tuesday and lasts the entire week.

We did receive our fair share of ‘drinking raw milk in pregnancy’ is dangerous, and ‘you’re a older mum whose had a miscarriage’ (around six weeks at age 39), which was hurtful because miscarriage is also common. With this pregnancy, however, I fell pregnant just before my 42nd birthday (I just knew it the first day I missed my period and took four tests – so exciting), and I gave birth at exactly 37 weeks to a healthy baby girl (with a full head of hair) with a three hour labour who weighed an incredible 8lbs 4oz. She is our gift from God.

So I’m testimony to all the women out there that drinking raw milk in pregnancy is not dangerous. Would you trust the NHS and its advice after the poor advice it’s given these past three years regarding Covid and the gene-therapy jabs, which should not be called vaccines? The level of harm they have caused is astounding, and the mainstream media evil bastards still call vaccine harms misinformation / disinformation. Those poor people who have been affected or killed by these killer big pharma concoctions are left shamed by these cowardice media, rather than able to tell their story. And don’t get me started on the 600+ cowardice MPs who turn the other cheek at the level of evil going on. Each one was told the truth of the agenda 21 / 2030 depopulation agenda, as I wrote to each of them individually in the middle of 2020.

Our baby Grace is almost six weeks old and is exclusively breast fed, after a few weeks of struggling where the NHS provided minimal support when I desperately needed it. Grace now is almost 10lbs, sleeps well, and poops and wees plenty of times a day.

As the Weston A Price website says, babies should be chubby, not skinny. Throughout my 37 weeks of pregnancy, the labour of which was traumatising as it was so quick, I ate tons of butter, raw milk, cod liver oil, liver, eggs daily, bone broth (and also had cravings for pizza and cake too), and even wheat grass juice powder daily. My belly was big at 37 weeks, and it was big according to their fundal height measurements. I was still doing weeding two or three times a week a week at the allotment, planted over 40 strawberry bare root plants in March, and also went on a long walk on the Tuesday and weeded the allotment on the Thursday preceding the Friday labour.

Do your own research during your pregnancy. Read lots of books. I highly recommend the books by Dr Sara Wickham. And don’t be afraid of eating lots of healthy saturated fat, drinking raw milk in pregnancy, and doing exercise too. All of it has paid off in the natural birth of our healthy girl, and I was labelled high risk because of my age. Oh, and besides the one minute scan during the 12 week estimated due data scan, and the placenta check scan at 32 weeks, we avoided ultrasounds and, instead trusted Almighty God.

I’m tired of the NHS thinking that it is God. It now tells pregnant women to avoid vitamin A, when vitamin A is such an important vitamin for your growing baby, and it was drilled into me in Home Economics that pregnant women must eat liver, for example, which is high in Vitamin A. Sadly, I couldn’t share my pregnancy diet with the community midwives, as they would just frown and judge me, just like the doctors did at my avoidance of anomaly ultrasounds and growth scans at my big fundal height measurements. It’s a dreadful world we are living in with such a focus on risk, and none of the health of the growing baby, which was my focus. Children should not be dependent on vaccines for immune health when nutrition and diet is the most effective way to fuel them.

Pasteurised milk in the supermarkets and shops is dead milk. If you want live enzymes and the most nutrition bang for buck then opt for raw milk and don’t be afraid. My husband and I have been drinking raw milk since my sixth month of pregnancy without any problems, and I place my order every Monday at Cliftons Farm for fresh raw milk delivered Tuesday to last us a week, and it’s not expensive at £3.05 for two pints. I won’t return to dead milk. I’m fully supportive of my local farmers who do an amazing job, contrary to the climate change nutters who attack farmers and instead follow every evil wind of doctrine that the mainstream media tells them. Choose to drink raw milk in pregnancy, and drink it daily it to support your immune health. Of course, Google, the Government, and NHS and other ‘healthsperts’ will tell you that raw milk in pregnancy is dangerous, as is high dose Vitamin A, but do your own research, listen to amazing podcasts, and feed your baby in your womb with a nutritious diet that will him or her to grow and thrive in this world.

Some excellent videos on raw milk and good diets in pregnancy.

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